Commitments in the television industry she decide

Without a sales page, you either have to to build yourself a sales team that you lead regularly and spend time answering their questions, to answer countless similar questions that customers ask, to acquire an external program (e.g. Manychat) with which you can answer customer questions on social media, you contact customers yourself on social […]

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Strategic analysis and customer loyalty

Strategic analysis and customer loyalty : a cutting-ge b2b platform must offer advanc mechanisms to analyze customer behaviors. Nes. Processes. Persuasion and loyalty logics. Helping the sales and marketing department to act effectively. To identify nes and trends. In a process of continuous Strategic analysis and customer loyalty  improvement of commercial strategies and enhancing long-lasting […]

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The omnibus directive has establish an increase in sanctions

The omnibus directive has establish in sanctionsan increase in sanctions for violations of the rules. Ensuring greater consumer protection and greater harmonization at european level. An important step to protect consumers and establish clear and transparent rules for e-commerce operators. Promoting a more reliable and safe shopping environment for everyone. A company specializ in distribution. […]

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The approval of this directive in italy has l to important changes

The approval of this directive in italy has l to important changes to the consumer code and ecommerce regulations. Focusing mainly on discount or price ruction announcements. Review management. Unfair commercial practices and the sanctioning regime. The points touch on by the decree closely concern both those involv in online and offline sales. One of […]

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Solution to turn the tide in your favor

Both with the objective of achieving the results establish in the company’s strategic plan, where the metrics are at an operational level and the indicators at a tactical level . In other words: while metrics are gross measurements such as values ​​and Solution to turn  quantities, indicators are calculat measurements , generally represent by percentages. […]

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