The approval of this directive in italy has l to important changes

The approval of this directive in italy has l to important changes to the consumer code and ecommerce regulations. Focusing mainly on discount or price ruction announcements. Review management. Unfair commercial practices and the sanctioning regime. The points touch on by the decree closely concern both those involv in online and offline sales.

One of the main innovations introduc concerns

One of the main innovations introduc concerns the obligation to provide consumers with clear and precise information on product prices. It will no longer be enough to simply indicate the list price of the product. The seller has the obligation to show the new database  lowest price appli over the last 30 days. Both within the physical store and on the e-commerce site. This information should also include promotions that last only one day. Furthermore.

It is necessary to clearly indicate the percentage discount offer.

It is necessary to clearly indicate the percentage discount offer. Without limiting it solely to the list price. This measure aims to BS Leads  ensure greater transparency and allow consumers to make more inform choices.As regards the rules on promotional items. There are also cases of exclusion which concern products plac on the market for less than 30 days. Launch prices. Below-cost sales and the sale of perishable agricultural and food products.

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