Give yourself extra time

For me, creative work always takes longer than I think. Give yourself  If you don’t leave enough time to embrace enthusiasm and curiosity, when you submit work or publish it yourself, you give the impression that you’re practicing flaky creativity rather than disciplined creativity. Masu. I need space to explore tangentially related topics, and many of my favorite anecdotes often don’t have the right place in the final draft (more on this later). Either way, leave plenty of time to research ways to make your writing voice more robust and subtle.This is for you if you thought I was being a little too idealistic right now.Life is messy.We all want to optimize conditions that contribute to productivity, but those pure intentions do not guarantee that our daily tasks will run smoothly. Simply taking a break is part of the creative process.

Prioritize Give yourself editing

Great writers are great editors, and to become top industry data  a great editor, you need to learn to recognize ideas that serve you more than they serve your audience . These areas of text must be corrected or deleted. To hone this skill, editing cannot be an afterthought. It’s a “quick pass” through your writing. That’s a different activity. Again, you, Disciplined Creativity Practitioner, have plenty of time left to perform. (Spoiler alert: I’ll be writing more about creative self-editing next week on Copyblogger.While it may not be the first assignment you need to complete on the production schedule above, you can use the topic to warm up your brain and move forward with your impending deadline.So instead of beating yourself up on days when you don’t do or write your first draft, accept that unexpected circumstances and new challenges are part of the creative process. 

Raise standards

The first rule of disciplined creativity is Bs Leads follow-through. Your ability to fulfill your responsibilities depends on taming your wild side and committing to excellence. Creative work often doesn’t “look like work,” so it’s essential to follow your own production schedule. That way, it doesn’t matter if your routine doesn’t look like work to anyone else. You know you’re doing what you set out to do, whether it’s an assignment for a client or your own writing project for your website. Serious writers don’t make excuses to inconvenience someone else or disappoint their audience.This section is about building momentum. Follow-through skills require focus, but what happens if you feel stuck if you only take on one creative project at a time? You become frustrated and, dare I say it, get writer’s block. When outlining multiple topics for different writing projects, it usually stands out as the easiest topic to write about. Let’s start there. 

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