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Enforcing email authentication supports email deliverability because it gives mailbox providers a strong signal that your messages are safe and legit. Sender Policy Framework (SPF) No, this isn’t sunblock. An SPF record is a list of domains and IP addresses that are approved to send mail on your behalf. When receiving mail servers try to authenticate a message, they match up the sending domain or IP with the list published on your DNS. SPF is sort of like a bouncer at a VIP event. If you’re on the list you get into the inbox, if you’re not… you probably don’t. A domain can only have one SPF record. However, it’s totally possible to have more than 10 approved IPs.

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Using an “include” parameter in the SPF record allows senders to add long lists of IP addresses. One well-known drawback of SPF authentication is that it breaks when an email is forwarded. That’s because the email is now being sent from a new IP, which is not listed on the SPF record. Learn more about SPF >>> DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) DKIM authentication involves encrypted keys that help verify a sender’s identity. At this VIP event, instead of being on the list, you need to give the bouncer (aka mailbox provider) the secret password to get inside the inbox party When you set up DKIM, there is a public key that’s published in the DNS record and a private/encrypted key that’s sent with the email.


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That private key is also known as a “digital signature,” which should be unique to the sender. The receiving mail server pairs up the encrypted key with the public key to authenticate the message. If the keys don’t match up, email deliverability issues are more likely. Learn more about DKIM >>> Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) The email industry introduced DMARC to help stop spoofing by combining the powers of DKIM and SPF while creating a policy that informs mailbox providers what to do with messages that fail authentication.


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