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Which amaze the public. Like that of Citroen or Club Me of the French Jacques Séguéla. In this period in Italy were born the advertisements for Glen Grant. Lavazza. The Amaro Ramazzotti which launche Milano da Bere and finally. The famous catchphrase No Alpitour. Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Along with this. A centrality of the body also developed. In particular the female one. As in the Golden Lady and Campari commercials. If until the end of the ‘ s communication had focuse on the masses. From the ‘ s it began to focus instead on the individual and advertisements began to be more informative again. Enhancing the product. Even the language had approache that of the Carosello times with the Telecom saga with Massimo Lopez and Parmacotto with Christian De Sica. The history of communication campaigns BS Leads also represents the history of society. The values ​​and language of an entire era are containe in a poster. A poster or an advert.

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