Do not ignore the appearance of grains or glands

Do not ignore theĀ  growth of the sarcoma, pressure is caused on neighboring organs. Tissues, muscles, nerves, and the distinguishing signs of this disease are pain and difficulty in movement. However. Many other diseases show the same symptoms. So if you feel or notice the appearance of a pimple, contact your doctor immediately. More than 50 types of sarcoma sarcoma is a type of cancer that develops in the connective tissue, it can affect any part of the body. But it usually develops deep in the limbs (arms, legs). In addition to the limbs, it affects the bones, cartilage, muscles. Tendons, blood vessels, nerves, fibrous tissue around the joints (knuckles). Hundreds of thousands of patients and their families around the world struggle with this disease.

Treatment depends on the degree

Dr. Slavica kraleva, radiation oncologist. Says there are 50 types of sarcoma, which are usually divided into soft tissue sarcoma and bone sarcoma. Family history is a risk factor for the occurrence of sarcoma dr. Kraleva explains that it is not yet Iraq WhatsApp Number Data known what causes their appearance. But there are several factors that affect the increased risk of sarcomas: family history, if any family member has suffered from sarcoma patients with bone disorders pegetov’s disease the genetic disease neurofibromatosis. Retinoblastoma… People who are or have been exposed to radiation or radiation therapy are at greater risk of developing sarcoma.

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Target therapy is a new type of treatment

The first sign is the appearance of a painless lump or gland Soft tissue sarcomas are difficult to diagnose because they appear in areas of the body that USA WhatsApp Number List are difficult to reach. The first sign is the appearance of a painless pimple. Over time, it begins to grow, thus causing pressure on the nerves, muscles, sometimes it can cause problems even during breathing. Other symptoms of the occurrence of this disease are: bone pain (pain which becomes stronger at night), swelling (which appears a few weeks after the initial pain), distortion. In case you experience these symptoms, you should consult a doctor – explains Dr. Kraleva for the symptoms of this disease. For any changes you should consult your doctor According to Dr.

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