Weakening of the heart Share

The most common cause is high blood pressure, which is not treated properly or is stabilized irregularly. Disease of the blood vessels of the heart or coronary artery can also cause heart failure. Other conditions are: Diseases of the heart valves, treated inadequately or their treatment was not done in time. Inflammatory heart diseases, which usually involve unknown and poorly treated viral infections, rarely bacterial diseases that attack the heart muscle. Chemotherapy or drug therapy that can be cardiotoxic. Untreated comorbidities, such as long-term treatment of thyroid disease.  Incorrect treatment of diabetes, as well as other diseases that over time can cause heart failure.

What should patients who have heart

Untimely treatment of thromboses or pulmonary USA WhatsApp Number Data embolisms, as a common cause of weakening of the right side of the heart. Congenital defects which are unknown in the part of the heart, which in adult patients can cause weakening of the right side of the heart. How is heart failure distinguished? The first symptoms felt by patients with heart failure are fatigue and a feeling of weakness during normal daily activities. Also, in these patients.  The lack of air and the feeling of suffocation appear during the first hours of the night when they lie on their side, and then during greater physical efforts or during light activities. They experience rapid heartbeat, blurred vision and dizziness, loss of appetite.

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They regularly take the therapy issued

The ultimate sign of heart failure is kidney and Japan WhatsApp Number List liver dysfunction. How is heart failure diagnosed? Listening to the heart ( auscultatio ) where the rhythm and speed of the heartbeat is heard. And the presence of irregular heartbeats. Electrocardiogram (ekg) by means of which the speed of the heartbeat is monitored.whether or not there is an arrhythmia. Whether there is an element of the presence of coronary heart disease or a previous heart attack. Signs of thickening of the left valve, signs of the severity of the right valve.of course. Proper and timely treatment of high blood pressure. Timely treatment of all risk factors, establishment of blood fat control, diabetes control, smoking cessation, stress control.

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