Sitting in the office in front of the computer

Sitting in the office inĀ  one of the most common pains in people because the shoulder joint is the most mobile and sensitive joint. Due to its structure and functionality. It is used more often in daily activities such as dressing, combing hair, feeding… The shoulder is a shallow joint. Which, in addition to bones, also consists of cartilage, tendons, muscles. Capsules and all these structures make it mobile and keep it stable. Therefore, Causes of pain the most frequent cause of pain in the shoulder can be a specific disease. Trauma or injury to the joint (joint) or any tendon. Ligament or muscle near the shoulder. The intensity of the pain increases with increasing activity of the hand or shoulder.

The revolutionary PRP method

Regarding the increase in the intensity of the pain. Therefore, Heavy physical activity, performing exercises in an inadequate and excessive Taiwan Phone Number Data manner, as well as any injury. Can have an impact. Dr. Mihajllo ivanovski, traumatologist. Advises that it is important to start treatment in time so that the pain does not become chronic or turn into a disease. It is not always related to injury. But over the years and with daily use, pain can occur in this area. In practice. It is usually about the appearance of pain in one shoulder (usually, the shoulder that we use more often or more). Establishing the diagnosis first. The anamnesis (history) of the patient is taken, the clinical check-up is done to get a general picture of the patient’s health.

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The Platelets Rich Plasma method

With proper follow-up of the patient’s condition. Therefore, Starting with simple radiography, magnetic resonance imaging is the gold standard for Qatar Phone Number List obtaining a diagnosis. Treatment after establishing the diagnosis, conservative treatment. Rest, analgesia, immobilization of the shoulder follows and then physical therapy. Some injuries, even calcifications. Are treated with physical therapy. If these treatments do not solve the problem. More invasive therapy is used (corticosteroid injections, prp treatment 3-5 weeks, in the long term it improves the symptoms and helps to solve the problem). Shoulder arthroscopy. The treatment is effective and painless and has almost no side effects as the patient’s own blood is used.

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