Interview – Prof. Dr. Miroslav Gjorgjevic

This condition is not on the rise as parents today are well informed. Therefore, Parents, even in the most remote areas, in those areas where there is no doctor for children, they themselves manage to distinguish if something is wrong with their child and are the ones who seek help themselves. In the past it was not like that. Therefore, In the past, such conditions were hidden because it was something shameful.  And patients went to the doctor too late. Another reason why this condition often appears in male children is the conditions in which we live. The modern way of life, new technologies and many chemicals used in food, in fruits and vegetables, have caused the increase of all anomalies in children.

What is the experience in Macedonia

Today we can say that pesticides are one of the most Germany Phone Number Data responsible Substances that cause the increase of these anomalies in children. What is the first sign that should attract the attention of parents to recognize or distinguish this condition. Therefore, Today, thanks to modern medicine, all pediatricians, gynecologists. And all those who are involved in the process of giving birth and monitoring the child throughout life. Therefore, Can distinguish this anomaly in children. These children are automatically. Referred to a pediatric urologist. This anomaly can be recognized very easily. And today 90% of children born with this anomaly are presented at the right time to a pediatric.

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Who was your youngest patient

Urologist, who will deal with Canada WhatsApp Number List their treatment further. Therefore, What is a mild case and a complicated case of hypospadias? Hypospadias (hypospady) itself is an anomaly in which.  The opening of the urinary canal is not located in the right place, but in the head of the penis. This opening can be found under the body of the penis, even down near the anal opening. Depending on the level at which this opening is found, all these hypospadias are divided into mild and severe forms. Mild forms are those found near the head of the penis, while severe forms are all those found from the testicles (scrotum) to near the anal opening.

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