Effective treatment of asthma

Hundreds of millions of people worldwide suffer from allergies, and an estimated 300 million people have asthma. Asthma is one of the most common chronic respiratory diseases in children worldwide. Airway inflammation is a distinct process of asthma, hence the need for its measurement. There are various methods for assessing the degree of sensitivity of the respiratory tract. In the pulmonary allergology department at “Acibadem Sistina”, patients have the opportunity to evaluate or determine the degree of allergic inflammation by using the revolutionary test for measuring nitric nitrogen in the air or exhaled breath.

By measuring nitric nitrogen

Prof. Dr. Gordana Maçeska Maxhakova, pediatric pulmoallergist, says that the measurement of nitric nitrogen (FeNO) is a quantitative, non-invasive, simple and safe method to monitor the degree of inflammation in patients with asthma Thailand Phone Number Data symptoms. Nitric nitrogen is a small gas molecule, which is produced in the epithelial cells of the bronchial wall and is part of the inflammatory process. In the air or exhaled breath of healthy children, it is from 5 to 15 ppb (per partial billions). What does the test reveal? In young patients, elevated FeNO levels indicate the presence of allergic airway inflammation consistent with asthma. In such cases, the patient will respond to inhaled corticosteroid therapy.

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The test detects inflammation

Another way of measuring feno is to detect Russia Phone Number List the level of change of feno compared to previously measured values. An increase in the level of feno can also appear during. The change of inhalation therapy with corticosteroids. Or from an insufficient daily dose of the drug taken or applied. The test detects inflammation before the onset of symptoms. Feno has been shown to respond faster than any other marker to changes in inflammatory status. Even before the changes appear. Feno serves for the leveling of steroid inhalation therapy.it also serves to predict the control of the disease and gives us information for the regular administration of the therapy.

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