Model your business based on the vision of your ideal customer

Online consultancy offers a new format for those who want to develop their services and expand their business. For Personal Trainers, this opportunity has proven to be the best option to increase the number of students and income, but how do you define your ideal client? At this time of quarantine due to COVID-19, for example, many people are looking for online training to maintain their physical and mental health. Focus on your niche and reinforce the importance of physical activity with professional support to guarantee results. To structure your online consultancy, you need to pay attention to some steps that ensure efficient communication.

What is the concept of target audience

Before we start, let’s understand how these elements direct your business, leading to communication that connects with your ideal customer and truly converts. The first concept to be explored is that of target audience, a very important step Laos Phone Number Data in structuring your consultancy. What is the concept of target audience and ideal customer? The target audience refers to a specific group of consumers who share the same or similar profile. Therefore, it is to the target audience that all marketing and sales actions should be directed, as this group is more likely to be interested in your content and purchase your services.

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Importance of target audience

Note that the target audience is a broader concept, which will provide you with a broad vision. In the case of the ideal customer, you will be. Able to bring more strategic elements and better understand which types of customers generate the most revenue for your business. Within the ideal customer strategy there. Is a very famous Latvia Phone Number List tactical plan. Known as persona definition. The concept and application of this plan will. Be deepened in the 2nd stage of this Marathon. Importance of target audience The Personal Trainer who decides. To work without  failed communication, that is, a strategy that can require a lot of work when formulated. But is little or not efficient at all.

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