There will be no surprise and I will

The sources consulted by ECD explain that Sánchez has already transmitted this roadmap to his team, making it clear that he is not going to resign as secretary general despite obtaining less than 90 seats: “ His only red line is to remain below Podemos and UI . If he continues above, he will continue, at least, until the next national congress.” against him ahead of the new general elections on June 26. The alliance between Podemos and Izquierda Unida, together with the movements to remove him from the general secretary, are his two main threats. However, the PSOE candidate for La Moncloa has conveyed a message of tranquility to his followers. As national leaders of the PSOE explain to El Confidencial Digital , Sánchez does not contemplate, at all, the possibility of the party being surpassed by the joint candidacy formed by Podemos and Izquierda Unida. It is aware that in some constituencies the party may see several seats threatened , but it can never be surpassed by the alliance made official last Tuesday.

Pedro Sánchez seems to have everything

Internal sources of the National Police claim to have no concrete data on the preparation of a left-wing mobilization on Saturday. However, they admit that with  Armenia Phone Number Database current Elections on June 26. The alliance between Podemos and Izquierda Unida, together with the movements to remove him from the general secretary, are his two main threats. However, the PSOE candidate for La Moncloa has conveyed a message of tranquility to his followers. As national leaders of the PSOE explain to El Confidencial Digital , Sánchez does not contemplate, at all, the possibility of the party being surpassed by the joint candidacy formed by Podemos and Izquierda Unida. It is aware that in some constituencies the party may see several seats threatened , but it can never be surpassed by the alliance made official last Tuesday. This was conveyed by the general secretary to his trusted team, in a conversation that occurred even before Pablo Iglesias and Alberto Garzón made the pact between their respective parties official.

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Against him ahead of the new general

Designed in a neo-Gothic style in 1882. The Podemos senator was recorded leaning on a table, with lamps, a bust and shelves of books behind him. In his speech , Ramón Espinar explains that “ the absolute majority  . Of the Popular Party makes it impossible for Spain tadvance in Canada Phone Number List the He will present himself to the national party congress That surprise, Sánchez has acknowledged privately, would be the only reason why he would consider leaving the general secretary of the PSOE after the general elections of June 26. But since this scenario “is not going to happen”, the candidate for La Moncloa has announced that he will “continue to lead” to try to form a government and win the party’s national congress. Firstly, Ferraz explains, Sánchez considers that both Iglesias and Garzón, if they fail to overcome the PSOE as they have proposed, will be forced to dialogue with it in the conversations after 26-J to form a government . Something that will allow him to maintain control of the party and try to form a government. Whether he succeeds or not, “will depend on the other parties,” but he, meanwhile, would manage to retain the general secretary of the PSOE until the next national congress , scheduled for autumn, and to which he has already announced that he will present himself.

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