GDPR and Email Marketing: how to configure

Keep in mind, some of the emails you send are much more than marketing promotions. They could contain important information about online orders. Password resets, shipping updates, and account creation. You definitely don’t want those messages getting blocked by mailbox providers or landing in the junk mail folder. The email deliverability experts from InboxReady are here to help. We’ve put together this comprehensive guide to boost your chances of. Getting delivered to every contact on your list. In this guide, we’ll cover everything from spam traps and email authentication to email verification and sender reputation.

B2B email marketing Highly effective

Let’s get started… Jump to a section in our email deliverability guide. Part 1: Deliverability basics. What is email deliverability? How is email deliverability measured? Bounce rate. Delivery rate Inbox placement rate Part 2: Deliverability diagnosis: What causes email deliverability issues. Spam traps Spam complaints and unsubscribe rate Spam scores Blocklists Email authentication failures Part 3. Authentication protocols: Understanding email authentication SPF DKIM DMARC BIMI Part. Reputation management: Email deliverability and sender reputation Domain reputation vs.


Email marketing to win back B2B customers

IP reputation How to check your email reputation Part. Deliverability best practices: 10 best practices to support optimal email deliverability. Warming up your IP and domain Following anti-spam and data privacy laws. Setting up email authentication Increasing engagement. Verifying email contacts and cleaning your list Using a double opt-in Never purchasing an email list Avoiding spammy behavior Monitoring email deliverability metrics Conducting a deliverability audit How InboxReady can help Part 1 banner with building block icon for email deliverability basics What is email deliverability? It’s as simple as it sounds, but things can get complex very quickly.


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