Take My Pain And Make It

The truth is life – even sober – is full of disappointment, sadness and pain. But once I realiz I didn’t have to be alone in it, I gave birth to a new truth and way of life. People don’t respond to pomp and circumstance, they respond to heartfelt honesty and emotion. So I stay true to myself and share my feelings without wallowing in them, and I stay healthy. For example, I was recently really excit to go on a date with someone. I have not dat much since my partner di. OK, I have not really dat at all. The day before I was suppos to go out on one such dat.

These moments of raw honesty,

The individual dump me and left me with Portugal Phone Number List expensive tickets to a comy show. But instead of isolating and making it sting more, I told my friends how much it hurt. Within minutes, my friend Nate offer to go with me. He didn’t want to see me disappoint and in pain. And so, I didn’t go on a date, but I got an even greater gift out of what could have been a harbinger to a major downward spiral. I got closer to a true friend and felt more love than I probably would from that dumb date if I am being honest.

Phone Number List

Openness and vulnerability where

I stand in my truth And so now when things BS Leads don’t go the way I want them to, I step out of fear. I stand in my truth and ask my friends for help. Or I help someone else. This week I was pass over for a major service commitment in favor of someone with more experience. And it hurt bad. But I stay close to Caleb. I let him love me through my pain. I lov myself through the loss and I turn around and help someone else find their sparkle the very next day.

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