Just Cant Get My Brain

Ive tri everything, accountability, setting alarms, small rewards, and I can’t form any new habits no matter what. I’m the type of person who has to keep improving; never stand still. I have to always move forward, towards a bigger goal. I easily feel useless or unproductive. I want to be my best self; but what do I do if I keep falling at the first hurdle? I tell myself I’m going to get up early; but every morning I turn off the alarm and go back to sleep. I told myself that I was going to write a page in my notebook every day.

Looking back on a life

After two days I forgot all about it. I Liberia Email List tell myself I work out at least once a week, but the week is over so quickly. Before I knew it, the weeks turn into months, and I couldn’t see the point in continuing. Ambitious procrastinator I am an ambitious procrastinator, which is a bad combination. things but I will do it tomorrow. The year has more distractions and excuses than ever. Social mia, endless TV shows, smartphones load with millions of mind-numbing free games. It was as if I had plann to fail so I was too lazy to start, too lazy to give it my all.

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I want to post whenever

Ive been thinking about a book idea BS Leads for years, but no matter which way I go, I just can’t get it down. I use National Novelwriting Month to motivate myself, use whatever spare time and motivation I have, and try to get into the habit of writing every day. But I still barely have a chapter. As time went on, I became more and more frustrat with this as I realiz I didn’t have enough time to achieve all of my goals.

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