In The Next Step

Method but requiring work on our part. There is no ne to convince anyone about the importance of the Ceneo comparison engine on the Polish market, as well as the importance of traffic from the Google search engine. According to the Senuto search results monitoring tool, the ceneo. domain is visible in the TOP for over , , keywords. This is an unimaginable amount, the dominant part of which are results relat to product names. If the aforemention value does not appeal to us, it is worth mentioning the Ahrefs estimation, which estimates almost million visits per month from Google’s unpaid results.

After finding the right offer

Why is it important for this method? When providing Bahamas Email List positioning services to our clients, we very often analyze search results for product queries. This is an obvious issue, because such phrases are characteriz by a very good conversion rate. This allows us to see the fact that Ceneo appears high in search results more and more often. This is also reflect in the Senuto chart above. It often turns out, however, that despite the use of Ceneo by customers as a marketing channel, the customer’s domain is not display under the link leading from TOP Google to Ceneo.

Country Email List

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This is due to the fact that offers arewere often BS Leads miscategoriz and the same product is available at many different addresses. If our offer has been classifi at an address that does not appear high in search results, then we lose a huge part of the potenti Example: An offer in the TOP of Google for the query: love & desire women’s ml: Examples of offers not available from the search enginecene ceneo pl In this situation, the option of manually assigning offers available in the customer panel comes to our aid. To do this, click on Store management, and then offer management.

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