Ideas Suggestions For Improvemen

Can do them internallyn a way that everyone can understand. In addition, your community can use the app, which is available under your community name as a free download from Google Play or the Apple App Store, as a communication and informationThe General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation of the European Union, which regulates the rules for the processing of personal data in a standardiz way throughout the EU. It provides that users of a website, blog or application are inform in advance and at the same time must agree if personal data is process and or transferr.

The General Data Protection

However, many website operators still do not take Antarctica Email Lists this into account. User data – such as how many visitors visit a website or how long they stay with an article, etc. – are usually record with an analyzer. The most popular of those tools is Google Analytics, after all it is easy to implement, provides extensive user data, is free and runs on Google servers. Since Google receives a lot of data, including relat data, website visitors must be inform about the use of Google Analytics through cookie banners and must also agree to this.

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Regulation and at the same

However, not a few operators of websites do BS Leads not handle it this way and thus violate the GDPR. Matomo: Less risk, more privacy If you would prefer not to use Google Analytics due to data protection concerns, you will also find good alternatives. One of them is callMatoma– a tool also free, but which does not transmit data to American corporations. The data is stor on our own server or, if you wish, on a European Matomo server. The open source solution offers similar comprehensive functions as Google Analytics, but works in GDPR compliance and can therefore be us without consent. Thus, website operators do not risk violating.

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