Working Groups For Research

Forward to At this point, nearly , have been transcrib in preparation for this blog post. The Council is a passionate and active community with over register individuals who understand the importance and value of this conservation work and it is clear from your feback that you are interest in this work as you bring Here comes the precious and interesting treasure trove, where you’re digging for school collection material. There are hundrs of people (people to be exact!) who have transcrib the pages, and others who have transcrib the pages.

Young scientists and are

You guys are doing a great job, and we thank New Zealand Email List you very much. Having said that, we would like to draw your attention to the most interesting One of the statistics of : the number of pages transcrib by the person who transcrib the most pages. Transcrib, page-turn (some iting also done). An interest in local history and old folktales inspir him to pick up a pen (or, pick up a keyboard!), and the work of preserving the rich language and invaluable history of the school’s collection is, in his view, well worth it. We believe that this achievement is worth remembering. Year in work: – was a successful year for the research group and not so good for ú.

Country Email List

Two a good example of using

The Irish pages and English pages are BS Leads transcrib, produc, and the pages transcrib from scratch. Irish pages transcrib per month English pages transcrib per month Another reason for our joy besides our transcription work is that we teach college courses in folklore around the world at Ohio State University and Indiana University to name a few. A few examples. We are also delight that the work of the committee is leading us to interesting research into the wealth of folklore material available on manageable terms from this prolific community of scribes.

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