The Filter Button Or The Search

Response times for the new site are, on average, more than faster than previous versions. Ease of use Many aspects of the user experience on a website strive for improvement. The site should now be easier to use on phones and other mobile devices. Regular users will notice some changes to features that have exist on the site for a long time; these changes are discuss below. We are reluctant to change any long-standing practice unless it benefits a large number of users. In these cases, changes were made bas on user feback or clear usage patterns we observ. Here is a brief list of some of the changes mad.

Now it is necessary to filter

Search (General) Our extensive location search Laos Email List offering is no longer available. As new searchable resources relat to expressions and terms are add to the site, it doesn’t make much sense to search all resources at once. This decision also allows us to perform all searches more quickly. New massive searches relat only to corpus and terminology resources are available. The search results are spread over different pages. Filtering search results now requires voluntary action. Previously, ticking a certain filter was enough. It turns out that if you don’t do this carefully, it’s easy to lose the results pages your users have open.

Country Email List

The results by pressing

Now, it is necessary to filter the results BS Leads by pressing the filter button or the search button. The new site decision also allows us to perform all searches faster. New massive searches relat only to corpus and terminology resources are available. The search results are spread over different pages. Filtering search results now requires voluntary action. Previously, ticking a certain filter was enough. It turns out that if you don’t do this carefully, it’s easy to lose the results pages your users have open.

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