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For a jar of honey ( kg) about , a distance of about , kilometers to return? If there are fewer and fewer bees, it is not the environment that suffers but also people. In total, about eighty percent of the crops and wild plants in. Germany and Austria depend on honey bees for pollination. This means that the bee also has an economic benefit through its pollination service, which is valu at more than billion US dollars worldwide. This makes the bee the third most important farm animal – just behind the cattle and the pig. Bees are not only an extremely important environment for that , but also very popular with our employees.

The middle of the southern

That’s why we decid to also host three C Level Executive List bee colonies at our company location in Wagna. We are so excit about our three bee colonies that we even set up our own webcam for our new favorite bees. With a live stream directly to YouTube:Especially in tourism plays digital marketing an important role. online get bookings and can be successful in the long run. The best Website Design and the latest web techniques will not raise the desir success if your online presence is not found. On the World Wide Web, tons of websites meet users from all over the world. Providing the right information for a search query is the goal of search engines and the key to a website’s success.

C Level Executive List

Outsourcing is well position

Internet users become customers only BS Leads when they find what they are looking for. Internet marketing in numbers More than billion searches end up on Google alone every day. More than % of users arrive at websites through search engines. Users spend a large part of their time online on search engines. We have specializ in web design for apartments and offer a comprehensive service here: – Web design for apartments – Search engine optimization for apartment websites – Online booking systems New reference.

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