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Find the best subcontractors for your project from the Buy Bulk SMS Service following sectors. Eectrical Industry Plants HKLS&GWH welding The services have been convincing customers all over the world for years! internationally and provides exactly the specialists you ne for successful project progress in a simple, reliable and fast way. nitial measures, through professional leak detection or leak detection, to technical bag drying and final restoration of affect rooms and materials. The new Dehumidification Competence website is now available online In addition to the wide range of services offer by the company, expert dehumidification with class also offers the rental of dehumidification equipment. Simply fill out the inquiry The South Styrian software company Körbler plans to expand with a digital greenhouse, its own vineyard and “coder” apprentices.

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With strong investment, a competence BS Leads center for “coding” is to be creat in Leitring. When Mario Körbler rushes across the still-green lawn, the present gives way to the future: outdat agricultural buildings are transform into modern co-working spaces, former tractor garages are now meeting zones for employees – and where today there are fe silos, source code. is assum to be generat tomorrow: With an investment of around half a million euros, Körbler, head of the software of the same name Leitringer, plans the expansion. The -year-old is planning a special competence center for “coding” on about three and a half thousand square meters.

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