Hong Kong Phone Number Example

Hong Kong is a bustling city that is known for . Its modernity, commerce, and technology. Like most other countries, Hong Kong has its own unique phone numbering system. In Hong Kong, phone numbers consist of eight digits in total, and they are typically written in the format of . Here is some more information about the phone numbers in Hong Kong.

The first two digits of a Hong Kong phone number. Indicate the type of service that the number provides. For example, the prefix “2” is typically used for landline numbers, while the prefix “5” is typically used for mobile phone numbers. There are also prefixes for special services. Such as toll-free numbers (prefix “800 and premium-rate numbers prefix.

What is hong kong area code

The next two digits of a Hong Kong phone number indicate the geographic location of the service provider. For example, the prefix “22” is used for service providers in Central and Western Hong Kong Island Hong Kong Phone Number List while the prefix “31” is used for service providers in the New Territories.

The final four digits of a Hong Kong phone number are the subscriber number. This is the unique number that is assigned to each individual phone line. The subscriber number can be used to identify a specific person or business that is associated with the phone line.

Phone Number List

How many digits is hong kong phone number

When calling a Hong Kong phone number from within Hong Kong, you only need to dial the eight-digit phone number. However, when calling from outside of Hong Kong, you need to include the country code, which is +852. The full phone number would look something like this.

It is worth noting that Hong Kong has a few special phone numbers that can be used for specific purposes. For example, the emergency services can be reached by dialing “999”, while the police can be reached by dialing “999” or “112”. There are also numbers for specific services, such as the Hospital Authority’s 24-hour hotline dial.

How to get hong kong phone number

In conclusion, Hong Kong phone BS Leads numbers consist of eight digits and are typically written in the format of “. The first two digits indicate the type of service, the next two digits indicate the geographic location, and the final four digits are the subscriber number. Hong Kong also has special phone numbers for emergency services and specific services. Understanding the format of Hong Kong phone numbers is important for anyone who lives in or travels to Hong Kong, as well as for anyone who needs to make calls to Hong Kong.

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