More Effectively Higher Average

Rucing the CPC rates, article . Sources: or a few words about the Quality Score A few words of truth about positioning TOP NPROFIT articles in Assigning access to your Google Analytics account and Google Search Console What is Google Ads?The publication of detail data about our store arous great interest. Since publication, the case studies have been read by over , people. So far, we receive messages with questions about the forecasts we publish or the current level of sales. Such a positive reception makes us the risk associat with the transfer of data to the competition, we decid to lift the “veil of secrecy.

The campaign sells not

Link to the original case studiesThe main problem Canadian Email Lists we fac in matters. Relat to analytics was Google Analytics losing about of transactions. This result in a difference of almost , . compar to the data present in the statistics. Unfortunately, the problem of incorrect counting of transactions still occurs , which significantly affects the statistics present below. So what are the statistics for the current year according to Google Analytics? As we can see in the screenshot above, we manag to optimize all parameters relevant to e-commerce. Our actions l not only to an increase in the conversion rate, but also the average order value.

Country Email List

Only more effectively but also

The value of sales alone increas from PLN , , to PLN , , . If lost conversions, sales via Allegro or satellite stores were taken into account, the values ​​on the chart BS Leads would be much higher. Particularly noteworthy here is the optimization of Google Adwords campaigns: By increasing the expenditure on the campaign by %, we manag to achieve an almost % increase in revenue. Thus, it is another year of increasing campaign effectiveness. It is also important that we resign from promoting some of the expensive products that were sold at low margins.

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