Because Of Their Mental Health

Have always work. in pub kitchens, I did a waitress job, I did a lot of cleaning and work as a shop assistant. Quite often as I got older I work two jobs. I love to work and keep busy. But this is about having a mental illness and not working. Mental-illness-and-not-working-pin -I have always work. Quite often as I got older I juggl two jobs, I love to keep busy. But this is about having a mental illness and not working. These past years have been very different. I was on maternity leave with my first son when I had my first breakdown and was hospitalis for my mental health.

A huge amount of stigma

Since then, returning to work has been almost Cambodia WhatsApp Number List an impossibility. Not only because of my mental health but the cost of childcare is astronomical as well! Even if we were in a position to pay for childcare, working in certain environments really triggers me. I am well aware that I sound, stupid, pathetic and like I making excuses but honestly in my experience my mental health hits rock bottom very quickly. I am not saying that I never want to return to work My goodness I absolutely do.

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Surrounds people not working

If I am totally honest there are some days BS Leads when being a full time stay at home mum makes my mental health worse! Sometimes I feel like I just can’t win! That’s why I am trying my hardest to access therapy so that I can cope better and get back out there, but right now, especially with two children and another on the way it’s just not feasible. I don’t receive any benefits so I’m not ‘sponging’ off the government as is often what people expect, I am just very lucky that my husband works extremely hard and earns enough to keep us ticking over.

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