I Know Its Going

Alone Of course, man. Heading out in hour. Going into town. The town is beautiful. The roads are lin with shops and restaurants in the sunshine. People stroll the shiny sidewalks, and seagulls soar above them, making melodious calls. is fill with the salty smell of sea water. Everyone around me seems content, and while my mind sometimes drifts into worry or discomfort, I try to focus on the sounds, smells and horizons to bring me back to reality. We walk in A watch store where Josh want to replace his old watch. one for myself.

Ill be the same as Josh

Josh pick one up for myself. It was gorgeous, silver, and radiant. I look around and saw standing behind the glass in the cabinet almost fascinat, I ask for it from an Congo Email List employee. Sorry sir, he said to me, but we are out of stock, the ones in the cabinet are for display only. I look around again and found I bought a similar watch. This one’s out of stock. I found another one. You can’t have that one either. There’s another one. Not that one either. Come on, Adam, Josh yell, come back another day.

Country Email List

The waitress took our

It got worse I didn’t protest and follow BS Leads Josh and his friends out of the store. The employee reject every single watch I want in the store. He claim some were out of stock and some he didn’t give any reason at all. Got him want things, and I was being reject one by one, which didn’t seem fair. I look up at the sky and saw that the sun was hiding behind the clouds, and some were getting dark. Jack was starting to feel hungry and ask us to be in a nearby . We sat at a table in the corner of the room and a waitress came over to take our order. I was the last to order.

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