Which I Suppose Gives A

Worldwide there are dangerous, harmful practices, regulations, and acts that marginalise, harm, and kill women every day. Female genital mutilation. Using rape as a weapon of war. Refusing women rights to vote, drive, leave their homes unsupervis. If you can’t deal with us pointing out your behaviour, how can you help us counteract systematic and violent oppression all over the world? So, if this has made you open your eyes, good. If it’s made you recoil and stutter about how much of a nice guy you are – stop. Just stop.

Where my anxiety was brilliant

Read it again Listen to us, and know Luxembourg WhatsApp Number List we aren’t (always) attacking you personally. If you’re ask not to do or say something by a woman, listen. If we’ve call you out, say sorry, and learn from it. Stop trying to defend yourselves, to change the narrative in your favour once more. but your chapter is way, way too long. We don’t want to get rid of you or overrule you. We want to be able to live our lives the way you do – without fear,or being subject to abuse. Thanks for listening, if you did. Don’t turn your back or forget what you read. Go and read some more.

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Almost as invisible as it gets

We’re always capable of learning BS Leads of change. Don’t be resistant to that. You might be surpris how good it feels. Reproduc with permission, originally post here: sesinthewasteland UNIT STATES As a bit of a follow on from my last post, and the part about my past, this is about the last year. It has been, at least mental health wise, rather up and down. Anxiety isn’t prictable as such. For example, I can’t tell if next Wnesday I’m going to have ‘a bad anxiety day’ until I actually wake up that day been periods.

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