Contact people to see if they would mind

Add a link to a quick survey in an email or let customers know which social mia channels they can share their thoughts on. You could also ask them to reply to your email with a quick review and use their quotes on your testimonial page. 3. Link back to them one of the best ways to make a testimonial mutually beneficial for you and your customers is to provide a link back to their company along with their name and company name with their testimonial.

Instagram and other platforms

You get nice words from them. And they’ll get some Country Email List healthy link juice in the form of backlinks from your website. 4. Monitor social mia social mia users share their thoughts about products and services they use all the time on facebook. Twitter. Instagram and other platforms. Keep notifications turn on to know when someone mentions your brand or tags you in a post. However. Untagg mentions aren’t that easy to find. So consider using a social mia monitoring tool like mention that alerts you when someone talks about your brand on social mia.

Comments or share a post about their experiences

country email list

Contact people to see if they would mind  BS Leads you using some of their quotes on your website or in marketing materials. 5. Ask on social mia torn paper revealing a thank you message for youtube image by harshahars from pixabay you can also use the power of social mia to ask your followers to leave reviews. Comments or share a post about their experiences with your brand. Sometimes. All it takes is a quick facebook post to politely ask people to leave an honest review or comment.

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