Clearly Indicate That Subpages

In URLs using Google Search Console Comment On The Post Your e-mail address will not be publish. Requir fields mark as  Rafał Grochala comments In the world of search results, links still play a key role – they are list as one of the twothree most important ranking factors, and the most extensive algorithmic updates concern link quality assessments (see Penguin from September ). However, there have always been disputes over the details of the mechanisms by which links increase visibility in Google results.

Well go straight to the data

One of the flashpoints in recent years has been Costa Rica Email List the concept of “domain authority”, according to which links can also be consider at the level of the entire domain. According to it, an example link leading to this article should raise the authority of the entire domain. h tools calculate their version of domain authority, in our daily work, both at the customer and back-office levels, we use the existence of this factor, we see a direct effect also in tests. Making a public contribution to this issue, we have no doubt that domain authority is one of the key components of SEO. and yet there is no shortage of voices claiming that domain authority does not exist.

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The available data quite

The mere presence of a subpage in a strong BS Leads domain is of no importance and there is no equivalent of authority in the search engine. They are echo by many SEOs, including Michael Martinez’s harsh words , as well as a more subdu article by Danny Sullivan . Why so opposing voices and to what extent can they be right? We will avoid here the semantic approach, unfortunately popular in discussions, i.e. considerations on the meaning of the term “domain authority”, etc. Such inquiries do not bring much to the essence of the matter.

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