Afternoon and evening meeting

The speaker advis on how to prepare the shop window. Page loading spe, content translation, appropriate currency are just some of the elements that Artur drew attention to. To sum up – it was worth it! It was certainly worth spending Wnesday with specialists in various areas of internet marketing. Specific examples, industry news, speakers-practitioners and a friendly atmosphere are the great advantages of semKRK. We will definitely go to the next ition. Presentations from this event can be found at. Do you dream of a job as a copywriter? I suggest how to start your adventure with this profession. Copywriter – who is that? Is the life of a representative of this field a b of roses, or maybe it looks like a vale of tears? Contents [ hide ] Copywriter – who is that.

Who prepares texts for advertisements

Copywriter – how to start working in this profession? High school Studies Apprenticeships and internship Work “on cotton balls” Serious adult life database Copywriter’s work – protips Qualities of a good copywriter Copywriter – who is that? A copywriter is – according to the definition from Wikipia – the author of advertising texts and slogans . There were attempts to create a Polish equivalent of this word, but it is untranslatable. Writer? Joseph Heller or Franz Kafka were not copywriters. songwriter? Jacek Cygan is definitely not one either.


A slightly broader approach

The definition from Wikipia is very similar to the proposal in the virtual ition of the PWN Polish Language Dictionary. It says: copywriter «a person and BS Leads announcements» Marketing dictionaries and blogs, on the other hand, take to the subject and elevate the craft of copywriting to the rank of an art – an art whose goal is to create content that evokes specific reactions in the reader. The reaction may be to purchase a product or order a specific service.

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