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The server basis for determining the transformation area in the voivodeship. Voivodeship were environmental conditions relate to the location of lignite deposits. The extent of the mining area and the depression crater. As well as socio-economic conditions relate. The number of people commuting to work to the power plant and mine locate in the voivodeship. OT range Łódź Voivodeship Source: Territorial Just. Transition Plan of the Voivodeship, Annex No. to Resolution / of the Management Board of the Voivodeship of March. Just Transition Fund. The Voivodeship receive approximately EUR million from the Just Transition Fund.

Locally by an open application

The Just Transition Funds are intend to support areas particularly. Affect by the effects of the energy transformation towards a climate-neutral economy. They are intend to support the Transformation Area. The funds receive will be use to invest in Photo Retouching new business infrastructure for local SMEs and research laboratories, as well as in energy efficiency and the provision of energy. From renewable sources. The Just Transition Fund will also support employees working at the power plant, as well as in the mining and relate sectors, including by providing them with the opportunity to participate in training that will allow them to acquire new skills and prepare them to work in green sectors.

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Training aid is a special type of public aid grant for training for employees, in the field of general and specialize training. Aid is not grant for training BS Leads undertaken by undertakings to comply with mandatory national training standards. Aid limit and intensity Pursuant to Art. of Commission Regulation the limit on training aid is EUR million per training project. The intensity of training aid may not exce of the eligible costs. The aid intensity may be increase to a maximum of the eligible costs in the following cases: in the case of training for disable or disadvantage employees in the case of aid to a medium-size enterprise in the case of aid for a small enterprise.

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