What It is for and Its Main Secrets Revealed

WordPress is the most used CMS in the world and this happens for a good reason: in addition to being flexible and free, it has many advantages over the others. What It In this very complete tutorial we will tell you why it is the best option to create your blog. When it comes to creating blogs , websites and online stores, one of the most used and recommended tools is WordPress. In fact, if you have been following our blog for some time you must have noticed that in the articles in which we talk about the structure of hosting and /or content management we always recommend this platform.

What It Does WordPress Work

WordPress has two versions email database available to users: the WordPress. Platform and WordPress.org . The first offers a free blog and website hosting service using WordPress software. The second is an open source platform, which you can download for free from the official website and install it on a server of your choice. To use the free platform, you’ll need a domain and hosting . We will not go into the differences between the two now, as we will talk about this later. For now, it is important to clarify the existence of these two ways of using WordPress.

Great Offer of Plugins and Extensions

The purpose of plugins is to expand and BS Leads improve the experience when using a website, both for administrators and visitors. For example, there are extensions that allow you to create photo galleries, increase website security , and improve page loading speed . In other words, plugins and extensions serve as steroids that make your website or blog even stronger and more powerful. But the best thing is the wide range of plugins . Another point that counts in favor of WordPress is the simplicity of changing the appearance of a website without damaging the content already published.

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