Running means existing Klementina

Klementina Kuzeska, gynecologist-midwife, is part of all competitions in the city. With her enthusiasm, sportsmanship and positive energy, she is one of the main drivers of competition among the runners of the Acibadem Sistina team, which is growing every year. On May 6, it calls on all the citizens of Skopje to take to the streets and contribute to another unforgettable marathon. When did your love of running begin? I started running two years ago when I decided to quit smoking. A new dimension had to be given to the decision for a healthy lifestyle. The idea of ​​participating in the Skopje Marathon was the perfect opportunity for making this decision.

The Skopje Marathon will start

It had to start with some preparations, since you Qatar Phone Number Data can’t just show up and run 5 km all at once. I started running and gradually increased the distance thus gaining running condition. “I got infected”. Why did you decide to do this sport? I wanted everything to fit in with my time, exactly when I have no obligation to anyone, without needing space and help I can do something good for my health. I set a rule for my activities during the week, which I saw as an obligation to myself. This is the only way to get going on those days when you feel tired, sluggish or lazy.

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Have you been participating

Let’s face it, it’s not easy to run Iran Phone Number List monotonously for a long time. Running for more than 30 minutes can be very boring at times, however, you get the feeling that you have done a good job and the satisfaction your body gets is priceless. Do you also play any other sports? Skiing is my oldest sporting passion, it gives me the feeling of complete freedom and satisfies all my senses to the maximum. In skiing, there is a seasonal limitation. The same thing does not happen with running, since running can be done in any season of the year. What was the first race and how.

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