Remember that information search

Without a sales page, you either have to to build yourself a sales team that you lead regularly and spend time answering their questions, to answer countless similar questions that customers ask, to acquire an external program (e.g. Manychat) with which you can answer customer questions on social media, you contact customers yourself on social media (which may also annoy potential customers), or to use more aggressive email marketing, because now you have to sell your products or services directly via email. It’s logical and easier when you have one place where customers can get the answers they need. Type sales page | 7 things you should know before writing a sales page Even if you’ve never written a sales page, that’s okay. I, too, had never written a sales page before  entrepreneur in November 2015.

I started as a digital

But that’s just what I did and wrote many good and sales-generating sales pages. As a side note, I will also say special data that in September 2023 I will organize a series of three Masterclass trainings, where I will break down the €30,000, €50,000 and €100,000 sales pages. I open registration for Masterclasses at the beginning of September. But now let’s get down to business. 1. good background work Before you can write a sales page, you need to do a good background job. Of course, you should know your customer, but you need 4 other elements that you use when writing a sales page.

Writing a sales page needs

Background work can be done either for your own email list, at the end of individual or group coaching calls, in Instagram stores or Facebook groups. During background research, it is important not to tell your audience why you are asking questions. If people know you’re doing “market research,” they’ll give you answers they think you want to hear. Instead, the questions are always formulated BS Leads in such a way that they are “reflections” and “of general interest” and are not necessarily related to your own field in any way.

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