Light up your brand. Let’s talk about!

Subsequently, analytics collects within it all the actions performed by the user.  Such as clicking on links , downloads , page views or sending a form . A session can end in three ways: the user remains on the site for more than 30 minutes .  Activating another session; at midnight .  When the traffic source changes – if the same user visits the site . First from google and then from facebook, analytics will count two distinct sessions. Why is the session an important indicator? Because it allows you to understand your users’ navigation path .  Access pages and how they interacted with your content. This way you will know which sections of your site should be enhanced . The most and which ones should be optimized.  To increase conversions on your website – which you will soon discover what they are. 

Audience acquisition channels

You can already imagine what that means, right? Special Data Average time on page records the time users spend on site pages . This metric is very important to understand.  If and how much people are attracted to the contents of your site.  And gives you a precise idea of the progress of your content.  Marketing strategy – in case you have a blog or a news section. Plus, it helps you understand if there are navigation obstacles on your site . Is the average time on page low or less than 5 seconds? Users are probably not viewing pages well or your site is not responsive and pushing people away. 

Navigation device

On the contrary, if the time is very high, there could be two causes :  BS Leads  users find the content of the page interesting .  Maybe they take the time to read an interesting article on your blog.  They don’t immediately find.  What they’re looking for because the information is too much and confusing. In the case of pages that describe products and services.  The solution could be to review the content and highlight the calls to action – action buttons – on the page. Read also: what is inbound marketing and how is it done? A guide to get started bounce rate metrics-google-analytics. Bounce-rate the bounce rate – also bounce rate in technical . Jargon – measures the percentage of people who.  After visiting a page, leave without having carried out any action .

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