It Seems To Have

Out which is worrisome. Mentally, close attention to the condition of the buildings that kept me alive. tsunami. Moving is difficult and committ, but necessary to live a better life. The tsunami still came, but my responses could be more easily execut. Thankfully, the water has drain away from the ge of the cliff. I liv in the city until I built a house by the beach. Of course, the ground there is flat, and the water ripples over days, making reconstruction much more difficult. Now, when a tsunami strikes, the water slides off the slopes and reflows into the sea.

Hi Jack how are you

Sometimes it drags some debris away, which Zimbabwe Email List means less debris to clear. Also, I built a bridge to connect me to another section of the cliff. Everything I ne besides this side: friends, family, resources, and a life away from the ruins. Moving is difficult and committ, but necessary to live a better life. The tsunami still came, but my responses could be more easily execut. Pulling up boards and picking up broken walls, I work my way through the rubble and clear the foundations of my home.

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I can focus on the things

Naturally, the weather was benevolent: the sun brought a cozy warmth to work, and the sky mimick the colors of a bright blue sea. It helps to be surround by BS Leads the beauty of the world. Rebuilding Now that the wreckage has been clear, I can start rebuilding my home. These days, I lay down floors, raise walls, and build shelters on top of both. My home has always been built around the safe hut where I would take shelter when I sens the next tsunami was coming. Hello Adam. I turn to the direction where my name was call. Passing by was a friend of mine Jack.

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