It Is Extremely Important That

By which errors in or a system update is implement. maintenance. Will face individual errors or even serious system malfunctions if you do not use the current version of TYPO . Reason : Better performance and new features The increase in performance is another reason for upgrading. Each new available version brings an improvement in performance. Which results in a shorter loading time and an increase in efficiency. This has also been shown to have a positive impact on the bounce rate of users from your website.

Hacking attacks are made

The loading time also plays an important Aruba Email Lists role for users and is also an important role in SEO ranking. TYPO updates can also help optimize your ranking in search engines. In addition, each new version of TYPO brings new features that every backend user is excit about. For example, since TYPO version there are new features for SEO and social mia support. But the data protection regulation also has certain requirements for website operators,with the latest versions. In the current version of TYPO , for example, the integration of YouTube cookies can be prevent and thus comply with the GDPR regulation. Reason : Safety first One of the most important reasons to keep your website Up- -Date is to protect it from hackers and malicious code.

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Considerably more difficult by

The older the version, the higher the risk BS Leads of system malfunctions and hacker attacks. The failure of the website often results in not only financial but also technical – or even image damage. The benefits of upgrading speak for themselves… the increase in performance obtain promotes user satisfaction, thanks to an improv user experience and better usability. This in turn can also have a positive impact on your sales figures, inquiries and SEO aspects iting the content is easier for you: Optimization of the user interface, saving content becomes more efficient.

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