That Was The Black Dog

I’ll take opinionat, argumentative, and hard-head. of the highest praise. And yes, I still hide parts of myself. I still fear people discovering every piece of my misshapen self, and maybe I always will be but those parts that leak out anyway? I hope that they leave rainbows in their wake, and I hope that my nieces, and nephews, get glimpses of colour amongst the grey, and they grow up can be broken. That the mould is flaw. That the mould is the thing that is unattractive. Not them. Because no-one really looks pretty in grey.

I know you thought

Reproduc with permission, originally publish Senegal WhatsApp Number List here: Pretty in Grey UNIT STATES iam in mental health daily tracker and journal UNIT KINGDOM iam in mental health daily tracker and journal Share this: Click to share on Twitter Loading Relat Take a Selfie, Fake a Life In “Nicola Anne” Imperfect Earlobes In “Mental Health” A letter to my son about my mental health In “Amysboardlineworld” Was This Post Helpful: votes, avg. rating Share: PREVIOUS POST Tackling Stigma- where have you seen the worst stigma NEXT POST TRIGGER: Suicide attempt at weekend and making sense of it.

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I would want to leave

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE Almost three months BS Leads on from the lowest point for you in years, we are starting to leave the depths of the valley. I will never forget that first night. That night you sent me to b because I had been ill. The night that chang our relationship. The night you first shout help It all seems like a distant memory now. Worrying as you lock yourself in the bathroom, the feeling of relief that you came out and spoke to the paramics, the sadness that I felt, the guilt for not realising, and my disappointment in the support when you appear back home at am having walk back from the hospital alone. I know you panick.

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