The CUP denounces death threats from followers of

After the unions themselves warned them of the legal consequences that this could cause. To this we must add that the two oppositions that have been called to enter the current Tax Agency since the beginning of the independence challenge and the announcement of .  The creation of the Catalan Treasury have also failed . “No one wants to  . Enter an organization that can be . dissolved in  . A few months,” one heard the inspectors say months ago. As reported in these pages , in the first of them, in 2014, not even half of the positions offered  . Were filled , while in the call made in the first . quarter of 2016, not even ten people were reached. incorporated. “ Even in Murcia they have it better organized” This lack of personnel whether to maintain the current motto, change it to the new one offered by the agency, or opt for some ideas that are already being considered within the team. Campaign.

His message was clear

Received at the ATC offices . Last year there were 222 and the previous year 473 . A trend that clearly shows the problems that this organization is going through. The vice president’s entourage, who knows how things work in the Agency, assures that it is, at the state level, one of  Bangladesh Phone Number Database the worst in Spain. The rest of the autonomous .  Communities have it more developed: “Even in Murcia .they have it  . Better organized than us,” he concludes. Two lost years are predicted With  . All these problems, Junqueras has decided to freeze the project of his own Treasury while waiting for what happens in the coming mit is insisted – if the accounts can be approved. of the next exercis launched the electoral machinery last Thursday morning, when he met in Genoa with the members of the electoral committee, made up of the deputy general secretaries (Pablo Casado, Fernando Martínez Maillo, Javier Maroto and Andrea Levy) and the treasurer (Carmen Navarro) Two days before, The party, in this way, complies with what it announced two weeks ago , after the last round of consultations with Felipe VI: “The king asked us all to save in the campaign and we assured that we would do so.” Despite this, Jorge Moragas has announced to his team that he would only cut back on what was considered improvable compared to the previous general ones.

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The new contract with the

Years from now . And all this, they add, if the Government remains in place and the CUP changes its current position. Until that happens, they conclude, Junqueras will not take another step.Complaints regarding voting by mail due to anomalies in the sending of  Hong Kong Phone Number List correspondence to participate in next Sunday’s elections. The Electoral Board argues that it can only act if formal complaints are filed. As El Confidencial Digital has been able to verify , some remote voters are protesting because they are receiving envelopes to exercise their right to vote that do not include the . Podemos ballot. It ted materials of Pablo Iglesias’ party are  . Torn or practically torn.The sources consulted by ECD explain that this slogan is designed, a priori, only for the pre-campaign, and that a new slogan may appear in the two weeks of the electoral campaign .

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