A Lot More Sensitive To What

I still take naps. And going out is a big deal for me. Going to the mall or hanging out with friends is something I can only do once or twice a week at the most. I’ve had to slow the pace of my life down a lot. This was really hard at first because I always lik to be out doing something. But with a quieter, more relax existence, I spend less money, write more, and have less anxiety. I just get worn out easier. Sometimes I get the feeling that people think I’m lazy, but I keep up with the dishes and cleaning the apartment. I exercise, and do things.

Hallucinations and just seeing

I just can only stay at the mall for two Peru WhatsApp Number List hours as oppos to all day. And after that, I’m going to take a long nap. It’s okay. Tiring easily has given me patience with myself and with others. Everyone lives life at their own spe. . I respect triggers and have some of my own I lik watching horror movies and psychological thrillers with my friends in high school, but after a while, I began to realize that I couldn’t handle certain things. Watching scary things causes me to hallucinate and even have delusions sometimes.

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A picture of one can trigger

I remember telling my friend that we BS Leads couldn’t watch the horror movie she brought over in high school. She actually got mad at me, saying she didn’t understand why I suddenly couldn’t watch horror movies anymore. No matter how others react, take care of yourself. When I’m on the internet, and I see something scary, I immiately close my computer and distract myself. If I’m on Facebook and someone posts a picture of a spider (it actually happen twice last week), then I hide the post and do breathing exercises. Spiders are my most common.

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