D-dimer analyzes in pregnancy

The risk of bleeding is higher before and after delivery, while the risk of thrombosis is greater throughout pregnancy, especially after delivery. Through pregnancy itself, changes appear in the blood coagulation system and a hypercoagulable state or tendency to thrombosis is created. This is a normal defense mechanism to reduce the risk of bleeding especially during and after childbirth. But, if such a condition is combined with other additional hypercoagulable conditions, the risk of thrombosis or embolism is pronounced and can seriously endanger the course and outcome of pregnancy. What is D-dimer? D-dimer is a small protein fragment of the blood clotting system, a coagulation system – hemostasis.

What is D-dimer

It belongs to the group of fibrin degradation products. Products that appear after the process of fibrinolysis after the decomposition of Sweden Phone Number Data  the previously formed blood clot. It contains two so-called d-fragments which are interconnected and this is where the d-dimer comes from. It was first described in the 70s and since the 90s it has been introduced into laboratory practice. Dr. Kornelija trajkova, gynecologist – obstetrician. Explains that the concentration of d-dimer is determined by laboratory tests using blood. Pre-pregnancy risk assessment before pregnancy planning or during early pregnancy. An analysis should be done for the possible existence or tendency to congenital or acquired thrombosis over the years. As well as in terms of diseases or complications from the previous pregnancy.

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Pre-pregnancy risk assessment

Such conditions are risk factors for the irregular formation of the placenta from an early stage. And then also for the disorder of function with thrombosis in the placenta. Which results in the cessation of fetal growth. And in the most severe cases New Zealand Phone Number List even with the death of the fetus. The hypercoagulable state is related to diseases in pregnancy which are characterized by increased blood pressure. Premature detachment of the normally planted placenta – abruption. As well as more serious complications such as deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism. D-dimer testing in pregnancy may be useful for detecting the diagnosis of venous thromboembolism or pregnancy-related complications. And for monitoring antithrombotic treatment.

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