The intense emotions and self-hatr. Little did I know that I would be treat unfairly by some – not all – of the professionals whose care I was under. Immiately I was told social services would ne to be contact and I would be referr for parenting classes! There was and has never been any reason other than my BPD diagnosis for these referrals. This has always been something I felt incribly asham of. I have BPD so that ‘typically’ means that I will not be a good mother. I will not create a good attachment with my son and there will ultimately be abuse or neglect!! It was terrifying.
Formal complaints and follow
When I got copies of doctors’ letters stating New Zealand WhatsApp Number List this. I lov my son more than anything in the world and I never had any issues. He was clingy so that was difficult but I don’t agree with smacking so that never happen. And I genuinely lov playing and spending time with him. So were they saying that this was only going to last a few weeks or months more, then I was going turn into someone else? I was so scarHorrendous experience My experience of social services was horrendous.
Them through to highest level
I was hound by an awful man. My family BS Leads were also. He turn up at my son’s nursery and contact friends and family with no authority. He turn up at my home without warning stating he ne to check the house and what me and son were doing?! Yes really. Even though there was NEVER any evidence of any problem, let alone neglect or abuse! My son was never under child protection either so what the hell did he think he was doing? This man was relentless and his reasoning for doing these awful things was always that I had BPD! I end up having to make.